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Grief Support
A small purple leaf with a white flower.
Two healthcare professionals with headscarves talking.

Free Grief Support Group: Finding Solace in Community

Losing a loved one can be an overwhelming experience, but you don't have to navigate the journey of grief alone. UCSF Spiritual Care Services offers a supportive space for persons who have experienced the death of an adult loved one through our free Grief Support Groups which are open to the public, whether or not you are affiliated with UCSF.

What to Expect
A series of stones on a bench.

Our Grief Support Groups provide a safe and nurturing environment where participants can share their experiences, emotions, and memories. Facilitated by compassionate professionals, group meetings focus on:

  • Personal Sharing: Express your thoughts and feelings in a supportive community.
  • Active Listening: Receive understanding and empathy from others who are also grieving.
  • Discussion and Reflection: Explore themes of loss, coping, and healing through guided conversations.
  • Journaling: Use writing as a tool for processing emotions and documenting your grief journey.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Cultivate inner peace and resilience through mindfulness practices.
  • Artwork: Engage in creative expression as a means of honoring your loved one.



  • Duration: This 8-week support group is offered free of charge.
  • Meeting Time & Dates Vary; contact us for current information
  • Location: Via Zoom (advance registration required)
  • Availability: Space may be limited, so advance registration is required.


How to Register:

To join our Grief Support Group or for more information, please call us at 415-514-4203 or email us at


Join us for Mid-Day Mindfulness: A Peaceful Pause – guided meditation – no experience necessary.

12:00-12:15 pm

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (except Medical Center holidays)

LEARN MORE / download zoom link